Telehealth services

Consult a healthcare provider by phone or a video call and process your Allied Health services using HICAPS

Telehealth services for Allied Health

HICAPS has enabled the processing of Allied Health telehealth services.


Physiotherapy, Psychology, Podiatry, Occupational Therapy, Exercise Physiology, Speech Pathology and Dietitians can now provide telehealth service claiming for their patients and receive payments for those services over the phone.


Telehealth claiming eligibility will differ between participating health funds (PDF) and may have different effective dates.


Further details on how telehealth services for Allied Health work, can be found here.


We will keep updating this page as information becomes available.


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Participating Health Funds (PDF)

How to process a Allied Health Telehealth transaction

Item number Guides for Telehealth

Telehealth services for Medicare

The Federal Government announced new temporary MBS items to allow bulk-billed phone or video consultations to reduce the exposure to COVID-19. 


Medicare will also now accept all existing telehealth claims in the item schedule through Medicare Easyclaim on your HICAPS terminal.

MBS item numbers

The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers are available at MBS Online.


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Processing a telehealth Medicare Easyclaim transaction